Agribusiness Management

Associate Degree Program

如果你想从事农业和相关的职业, 现在对正规教育的需求比以往任何时候都大. 现代农业企业的投资成本太高,不允许缺乏规划和准备. Sound principles of production, management, 市场营销对农业企业的成功经营至关重要. 特拉华科技的农业企业管理是一个创新的项目,将为你在大公司和财富500强公司获得职位做准备, 还有小企业和政府机构. If you prefer to be self-employed, 企业家将把这个项目看作是为自己拥有一家农业综合企业做准备的一种手段.


What You Can Do


  • Agricultural business owner
  • Agricultural/marketing service
  • County agricultural official
  • Government/private foundation
  • Production agriculture salesperson
  • Production manager
  • Real estate and appraisal

What You Will Learn

Program Graduate Competencies


  1. 区分农业综合企业的商业职业领域.
  2. 审视当前的农业问题.
  3. 为一家农业企业准备一份商业计划.
  4. 通过实践经验,将管理理论应用于农业经营.
  5. 应用基本的记录保存和会计程序,以农业综合经营.

Core Curriculum Competencies

下面列出的核心课程能力确定了你作为一名毕业生将能够做什么, 不管你的学习计划是什么. 您将通过通识教育课程和特定课程获得这些核心能力. 你将被期望使用相关技术来实现这些结果:

  1. 运用清晰有效的沟通技巧.
  2. 运用批判性思维来解决问题.
  3. 合作实现共同的目标.
  4. 表现出专业和道德的行为.
  5. 运用信息素养进行有效的职业和/或学术研究.
  6. 运用定量推理和/或科学探究来解决实际问题.

Suggested Pathway to Graduation

Semester 1

Number Course Title Credits
SSC 100First Year Seminar1
BUS 101Introduction to Business3
AGS 102Introduction to Agriculture3
MAT 152Quantitative Reasoning3
CIS 107计算机概论/应用3
ENG 101Composition I3

Semester 2

Number Course Title Credits
OAT 152Excel3
ENG 102Composition II3
AGS 104农业企业管理导论3
ECO 111Macroeconomics3
ElectiveAGS Elective3

Semester 3

Number Course Title Credits
AGS 226农业企业管理工作经验3

Semester 4

Number Course Title Credits
ElectiveSocial Science Elective3
ElectiveAGS Elective3
MGT 212Principles of Management3
ElectiveSocial Science Elective3
ElectiveAGS Elective3

Semester 5

Number Course Title Credits
AGS 212农业企业市场营销导论3
ElectiveScience Elective4/3
AGS 215Agriculture Leadership3
AGS 225Agriculture Seminar3
AGS 209Farm Records and Accounts3

Approved Electives

Select one (1) science elective.

Number Course Title Credits
BIO 140General Biology4
BIO 150Biology I4
BIO 151Biology II4
SCI 223Applied Ecology3
CHM 110General Chemistry4


Number Course Title Credits
POL 111Political Science3
PSY 100Human Relations3
PSY 121General Psychology3
SOC 111Sociology3

Select three (3) AGS electives.

Number Course Title Credits
AGS 101Soil Science3
AGS 105Principles of Plant Growth3
AGS 123Trfgrss Maintenance Practices3
AGS 240Hydroponics Production3
AGS 250Greenhouse Crop Production3

要完成课程要求,你必须通过上述课程,并至少获得 65 credits. 毕业所需的课程数量和学分可能更多地取决于你的大学准备和你的专业所提供的选修课程(如果选修课程是课程的一部分)。.


Pursuing a Bachelor's Degree?

This is a Connected Degree 这个课程可以让你完成副学士学位,然后作为大三学生转到四年制学位课程. See a program advisor for details!



Contact Georgetown:

Daniele Kidd
Department Chair, Instructor,
and Program Advisor
(302) 259-6444


